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Omdat de kast met recepten wel erg rommelig wordt, ben ik begonnen met een aantal recepten te digitaliseren. Hier vindt je recepten die wij vaker eten. Verzameld uit tijdschriften, kookboeken van het internet of van televisie.


I had the following problem : I needed to rerun a program from the sccm distribution share on the server. When you create a scheduled task with schtasks.exe there is no way to configure the working directory for the program … Lees meer


This is an example how to read a value from an inifile with Powershell. #*************************************************************************** #** Script:   ReadIni.ps1 #** Version:  1.0 #** Created:  12/19/2010 11:09AM #** Author:   Adriaan Westra #** Website:  http://www.westphil.nl #** #** Purpose / Comments: #**    Get a value … Lees meer


This script will load the module SccmFunctions from the same directory the script is in. In the Module is the function Get-Sccmcollection defined. This function will return all members from a collection. The script will then loop through the members … Lees meer


This is a sample script to list all the computers in a domain or in a specific OU. If no OU is specified all the computers in the domain will be listed. #*************************************************************************** #** Script: get-ADComputers.ps1 #** Version: 1.0 #** … Lees meer


This is an example on how to ping a hostname or ipaddress with powershell. It makes use of the WMI Win32_Pingstatus to ping the address. #*************************************************************************** #** Script: ping.ps1 #** Version: 1.0 #** Created: 12/19/2010 11:09AM #** Author: Adriaan Westra … Lees meer


This Script uses the WSHShell object to create a shortcut on the users desktop. For this example A shortcut to notepad.exe is created with no additional arguments. The path for the users desktop is retrieved from the environment settings. #*************************************************************************** … Lees meer


This script will read an input file with users and add them to an Active Directory group. Every user needs to be on a separate line. Commandline : ./Add2Group.ps1 #*************************************************************************** #** Script: Add2Group.ps1 #** Version: 1.0 #** Created: 10:45 17-8-2014 … Lees meer